Various Needs Home Buyers Have When Moving Home in Cambridge

Perhaps you have decided the time is right for a change of location, choosing to look at your options for moving home in Cambridge. In order to ensure you are happy with your new home, take a look at our list of the top ten factors to take into account when deciding where you would like to live next.

Hustle and Bustle of the City or Relaxing Countryside

It’s important to understand your preferences when deciding on a set location to settle down and start a life in. Do you thrive in the busy atmosphere of the “big city”? Maybe you would much rather live the quiet life, looking out over the landscape? There are positives and negatives to both of these options, it’s all down to what you’d personally prefer.

Whether you regularly make a commute for work or enjoy spending your weekends exploring new areas, transport links can make or break a potential new location for many people. Make sure that you take a look into the transport links available and how much they’re all going to cost for you to use.

Schools & Education

If you have any children or are planning to have some later down the line, then being within the catchment zone of either a specific high school or a variety of schools is something you may see as a high priority.

Local authority websites and school league tables are great places to find information on which schools are the best for the area in question.


Prioritising the facilities and local amenities that you would like nearby is something that could be helpful. Determine which ones must-haves, those that would be nice to have, and finally, those that aren’t too important if you can’t get them.

Some people prefer having a park nearby for the kids. Others maybe prefer to have a gym on their route home from work or a bank within the vicinity of their home.

Friends & Family

How close would you rather be to friends and family and family? Would you rather be close enough to help them when they’re in need, or will you require any kind of help from them? Do you prefer peace and quiet or are you going to be spending time with people regularly?

Value For Money

Depending on the location you’re looking in, what is deemed as “good value for money” will be different. If you’re looking to get the most out of your money, then you might benefit from looking at somewhere that is a little cheaper. In doing this though, you might need to sacrifice some of those factors you were hoping for.


The way the local community is can have a huge impact on your experience of living in a house. If you would much rather have a small, tightly-knit neighborhood, then research the area and have a word with the estate agents.

You might find some areas even have a dedicated local website or community Facebook group. If a community is not so important to you, but you would still rather live somewhere that is more quiet, then maybe take some time to research the crime rates.


If you are moving because of your job or career, then it is important to think about how far that job is from where you are buying. That being said, if you’re going to be job hunting after your home move, do some minor research in advance as to what sort of businesses are in the local area and who the main employers may be.

Property Type

There are lots of different types available on the market for home buyers nowadays. Whether you’re looking at an end terrace with a beautiful garden, or are looking for an inner-city, super modern apartment, make sure to look at different options available to you and see what property type best fits your needs.


If you’re looking for a property to settle down in for a very long time, then it’s worth taking a look online to see if there is any proposed investment for the local area. Make sure this is going to benefit you and the lifestyle you are after. If you’re after the quiet life and there’s a new housing development planned nearby, will this ruin your ideal housing scenario?

Moving Home Mortgage Advice in Cambridge

By having a mortgage broker in Cambridge assist you, we can handle the mortgage details and relieve the stress, allowing you to concentrate on the move itself.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023