A lifetime mortgage is a form of later life loan that is secured on your home. It allows eligible homeowners to achieve equity release in Cambridge. Your loan will not need to be repaid until you have either died or moved into long-term care, where the property would be sold to do so.

By taking out a lifetime mortgage, you are making use of the equity that has currently been sitting within your home over your time as a homeowner in Cambridge. Many use this for things like home improvements, inheritance, to pay off debts, to fund their own lavish retirement, care costs, and more.

How does a lifetime mortgage in Cambridge work?

Firstly, you must be eligible for a lifetime mortgage. This means that you must be at least 55 years old and own a property that is worth at a minimum, £70,000. You are not required to be a mortgage holder to do this, only a property owner and with this being your main residence.

In order for you to make a start on the lifetime mortgage process, you will need to book in and chat with a qualified and trusted later life mortgage advisor. They will take a look at your situation to see if equity release in Cambridge or an alternative, is appropriate for you.

Lifetime mortgages are generally found in two main varieties. The first type you will come across is a lump sum lifetime mortgage, with the second one being a drawdown lifetime mortgage.

A lump sum lifetime mortgage works in the same way that the name would suggest, as an all-in-one release of equity in a lump sum payment. This allows you to access the amount you need, as soon as you need it, but will leave you with a much larger loan.

A drawdown allows you to access your equity and draw from it whenever is necessary. This means you aren’t releasing all your equity at once and are only using it when you need to. You will also only be paying interest on what you release, which means you will owe less.

With all types of lifetime mortgage, you have the option of letting your interest to roll-up, though this will likely also impact the amount of inheritance that will be left behind once the sale of your home has been completed and the loan has been repaid.

Thankfully, not only can one of our later life mortgage advisors help you to ring-fence an amount of equity ahead of time, for covering any inheritance you’d like to leave, but due to our membership in the Equity Release Council, you will also reap the benefits of the “no negative equity guarantee”.

This guarantee is a lifeline for many, as it means that your estate will never owe more than what the property is worth. You can rest easy in the knowledge that your family won’t be struggling financially either after you have died or have moved into long-term care.

Pros and Cons of a Lifetime Mortgage in Cambridge

As is typically the case with any mortgage type, there are both positives and negatives to taking out a lifetime mortgage. The importance of these vary depending on who it is that is taking out a lifetime mortgage in Cambridge, as well as their plans for the future.

Of course one of the bigger plus sides to look at, is how flexible you can be with releasing equity from your home, in using both the drawdown and lump sum varieties of lifetime mortgage. You are also able to be flexible in your monthly payments.

You have the option of letting your interest simply roll-up, which gives you more cash to play with as you won’t be making any payments monthly. The cons of this, is that letting interest roll-up will leave you with less funds for inheritance or care when you either die or move into long-term care.

The area of inheritance can be a big deal for many as well, as a vast majority of homeowners look to take out equity release in Cambridge to achieve this. Thankfully, you are able to ring-fence some of your equity to do so, as your later life mortgage advisor will help you plan in advance.

The good news is that, if you are able to maintain these payments, you will have a higher amount to leave behind for your family when you have passed on. Additionally, as discussed, your family will benefit from a no negative equity guarantee, meaning they will never owe more than the home is worth.

Furthermore, there are new safeguards that have been put in place for homeowners in more recent memory, thanks to the standards set by the Equity Release Council.

Is a lifetime mortgage in Cambridge right for me?

Ultimately, this will always depend on what it is you are hoping to achieve, as well as your own personal situation. There are a variety of different mortgage types available to homeowners in later life, with lifetime mortgages and equity release in Cambridge only being one of those.

It is the role of a dedicated and trusted later life mortgage advisor in Cambridge to take a look at your case and figure out whether equity release in Cambridge, or something else, is better for you to take out.

In a lot of cases, an alternative will likely be much better for you. Your later life mortgage advisor will be able to check this with you, prior to making a start on the process of equity release in Cambridge and a lifetime mortgage.

Oftentimes, more suitable routes can include taking out a personal loan, a conventional mortgages or a remortgage, retirement interest only, term interest only or something else. If a lifetime mortgage is right for you, your later life mortgage advisor will ensure that all of your needs are met.

This will include laying out a plan for what it is that you hope to achieve in the future, how you predict your circumstances might change, and any inheritance you are looking to leave behind. To learn more about how we can help with a lifetime mortgage, speak to our later life mortgage advice team today.

To understand the features and risks of equity release in Cambridge, ask for a personalised illustration.

A lifetime mortgage in Cambridge may impact the value of your estate and it could affect your entitlement to current and future means-tested benefits. The loan plus accrued interest will be repayable upon death or moving into long-term care.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023